MIddle/High School students will be decorating halls today and tomorrow for the Homecoming Hallway Contest. Families are invited to visit tomorrow, Sept. 24th, from 5:00-6:00 PM and pick their favorites! This year's theme is countries. Who will win?
over 2 years ago, Livonia CSD
hall decorating
Next week is Homecoming Spirit Week! Join us Saturday, October 1st for the Homecoming Parade at 1:30. The parade will start at the Town Barns and end at the Library.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
spirit week
Check out our new Theater Website! You can find audition information under the For Students page. https://sites.google.com/livoniacsd.org/hs-musical/home
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
MS Musical Reveal drumroll.... https://youtu.be/4GS-L1TiPfM
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
what is it?
🎵💃🕺Grades 6-8 hope to see you tomorrow morning in the chorus room for this year's Musical Reveal!
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
musical reveal
Tomorrow is TAKE A STAND Day! We encourage students and staff to wear pink and take a stand to be positive! #thinkpink #bepositive ❓ Why do we wear pink? The idea comes from two Nova Scotia HS students in 2007. When a fellow student was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt, they decided to take a stand. They went out and bought pink shirts to give to fellow students to show their support. Pink shirts have now come to symbolize taking a stand against bullying.
over 2 years ago, Livonia CSD
be positive
Reminder to parents with students enrolled in classes for GCC credit you must have your Certificate of Residency and register for classes by October 3. Check your email for more information. You can start the registration process here: https://www.genesee.edu/resources/high-school-students/accelerated-college-enrollment/advanced-studies-program/. You can find the Certificate of Residency here: https://www.genesee.edu/wp-content/uploads/ACE-Residency-Certificate.pdf Any questions, please contact Megan Hugg, Assistant Principal, 585-346-4000, ext. 1053 or mhugg@livoniacsd.org.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
GCC screenshot
On Friday, September 16th, DEC Forester Brice June joined Livonia Environmental Science students inside the forest on school grounds. Brice taught students the ecology and value of trees, as well as timber stand improvement strategies for future management practices. Students were excited about learning how to read the landscape to interpret the land use history of the school's property. "I really enjoyed learning about what you see simply by looking at a tree. Thank you for coming out here and taking time out of your day to teach us all what you do for a living." - Kaylie H
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
class in woods with DEC Forester
class in woods with DEC Forester
class in woods with DEC Forester
class in woods with DEC Forester
MHS Picture Day is Thursday, September 29th. Visit Inter-state.com/order to see this year's new styles MHS Code 71782T Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
picture day graphic
The yearbook staff is looking for new members. If you are in 8th-12th grade and interested, please join us Tuesday, September 20th for a new member meeting after school in room 144. If you have any questions, stop by to ask Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Vance.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
yearbook staff
The Varsity Football team showing their support for Maddox today. Maddox is fighting a rare form of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. "His fight is our fight". #Bulldogpride #MaddMan.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
football team
We know the year just started but now is the least expensive time to order your 2022-2023 MHS Yearbook! This offer ends on September 30th. jostensyearbooks.com
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
At the September 12, 2022 Board of Education Meeting Dan McEnerney was appointed as the newest member to fill the vacancy created by Andy Mattle's resignation. Dan's appointment will last through the next regular election on May 16, 2023. At that point, the position will be filled based on the results of the public election.
over 2 years ago, Livonia CSD
moving forward
Yearbook has 3 important reminders for the class of 2023. Please contact Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Vance if you have any questions. yearbook@livoniacsd.org
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
yearbook reminder
Congratulations to Amara E., Maryn G., and Sean S. who all received a perfect score on their Level VI NYSSMA solo last spring and were accepted into Conference All-State Chorus. They will attend a 4-day workshop in Rochester which culminates with a performance on December 4th at Eastman Theatre. They will be performing with students from all across NYS. Congratulations also to Cameron R., Emma O., and Michael N. who received a 96 or better on their solos and will be joining Amara, Maryn and Sean at Area All-State Chorus. Area-All State is November 19th at Gates-Chili. Area All-State is made up of students from 8 local counties.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
conference and area all state graphic
We can't wait to see you tomorrow! You can find our First Day Printables on the website! https://www.livoniacsd.org/documents/families/first-day-printables/248599
over 2 years ago, Livonia CSD
see you tomorrow
Our attendance calls are going digital! If your student is not in school and we haven't heard from you, you will now receive an automated email, phone call and text to call the nurse regarding their absence. Please be patient as we work together learning this new system.
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
nurse calls
It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at Meet and Greet!
over 2 years ago, Middle/High School
twp students
teacher talking to family
smiling student
teacher and family with baby waving
We are excited to welcome families back to school tonight at Meet and Greet!
over 2 years ago, Livonia CSD
meet and greet graphic
Link Crew up bright and early ready for our new 6th and 9th graders! #letsgo
over 2 years ago, Amy Evans
link crew