Phase 1 - Bus Garage

July 2024

The new Bus Garage building is substantially complete and was turned over to the District July 1st. Punch-list items continued to be addressed throughout July, along with HVAC commissioning and balancing. The fuel management system was brought online and is now completely operational. Contractors will continue receiving reminders throughout August with updated lists of punch-list items that still need to be completed. Confirmation that the door cores were placed into fabrication was received in July. These are expected to arrive onsite in September.

July 1 ribbon cutting ceremony

June 2024

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project continued progressing towards completion throughout the month of June. The Site Contractor wrapped up miscellaneous open items and began working on completing the punch-list which was issued towards the end of June.

Throughout the month of June, the General Trades Contractor received and installed the casework including the counters throughout the office area. The interior signage was installed, and painting was completed building wide. The architectural punch-list was issued, and the General Trades Contractor worked to get a majority of the items completed.

The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractor’s also worked to complete open items. All final punch-lists were issued by M/E engineering and the contractors worked quickly to get as much completed before July 1st as possible. It's anticipated that the punch-lists will be completed in the first half of July.

Bus wash testing and training.

Fluid reel handle heights set

Fuel Island Bollard Sleeves Installed

Countertops installed

Signage installed

Casework installed

Late May 2024

Installed slide gates at both east and west side of site. Parking lot pavement was painted. Completed installation of steel fllue piping. Worked to complete punch list items. Rockhounding and seeding of side. Metal cabinets were installed, interior signage was installed. Fire alarm system and card readers added. District furniture purchase and delivered.

The anticipated move-in date for the new Transportation facility is July 1, 2024.

Sliding gates installed.

Parking lot painted.

Planting at Bus Garage.

Access Controls Programmed.

Metal millwork installed at maintenance bay.

Furniture delivered to site.

Early May 2024

Site work continued with fence installation along the East and North sides of the site. Poured pads for the entry and exit gates in the parking lot. Completed topsoiling and grading. Continued installing hardware for wooden doors. Installed bollard covers on bollards along the north and south walkways of the building. Pressure washed the sidewalks around the building. Completed installation of the emergency eyewash and emergency shower. Completed the installation of the handwash in the maintenance bay. Completed exterior lighting. The bus wash start-up and testing will take place within the next 2 weeks. Filtrec completed the installation of the twin post lift. All lifts are completed.

The anticipated move-in date for the new Transportation facility is July 1, 2024.

Exterior lights completed.

Twin post lift installed.

Emergency eyewash and shower.

April 2024

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project continued progressing efficiently throughout the month of April. The Site Contractor completed the installation of the box beam guide rail along the north end of the site and worked to perform a general clean-up of the site. Topsoil has been placed and spread throughout the site in preparation for the landscaper to arrive in early May. Binder was placed towards the end of April with the topcoat expected to be placed towards the end of May. The Fuel Island Contractor was onsite towards the end of April to finalize their work. Start-up of this system is scheduled to take place in May.

Throughout the month of April, work within the office side of the building wrapped up. The General Trades Contractor worked on final painting, installing flooring materials, dropping the remainder of the acoustical ceiling tiles, and installing one of the two transaction windows. The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractor's progressed alongside the General Trades Contractor; the toilet room plumbing fixtures were completed, electrical cover plates were installed along with the covers for the radiant fin tube. Data terminations within the data closet were completed and the server has been turned on and activated.

Within the maintenance bays, the General Trades Contractor installed the sliding gate on the east mezzanine, continued painting the exposed MEP's, delivered and placed the welding table, and caulked miscellaneous floor joints throughout the building.

Also in the maintenance bays, the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors completed a large amount of work throughout the month of April. The Plumbing Contractor completed all air, gas, water, and fluid piping along with installing the new fluid reels. The Mechanical Contractor installed the last of the remaining ductwork . The Electrical Contractor completed the installation of the electrical panels within the electrical room and energized the building with permanent power.

Up on the western mezzanine, the Electrical Contractor completed a large amount of work, wire has been pulled and terminated to all equipment including the start-up drives. All light fixtures up on the western mezzanine have been installed along with any miscellaneous electrical devices.

National Grid set the service transformer and energized the building towards the end of April. The temporary electrical service has been disconnected and removed. National Grid is still working on engineering the service for the electric vehicles. The engineering is expected to be completed within the upcoming few weeks.

Office area ceiling tiles were installed and the area was cleaned up to prep for floor work.

Plumbing work continues on the fluid reels and storage tank.

South Parking Lot Binder Paved.

Floor Tile Installed in Office Area

Building Transformer Delivered to Site for Permanent Power

Fuel Island Panel Box Installed

March 2024

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project continued progressing smoothly throughout the month of March. The Site Contractor completed the installation of the new sanitary line along Route 15. This was the final step in connecting the new facility to the public sanitary system. The Site Contractor also installed the stone access road at the two transformer locations on the north side of the site. Site work will ramp up for the month of April with most the work expected to be completed by early May.

Throughout the month of March, all trades worked steadily within the office side of the building. The General Trades Contractor worked on final painting, installing lockers, and installing toilet partitions. The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors progressed alongside the General Trades Contractor. The toilet room plumbing fixtures were installed, electrical devices such as power receptacles, PA speakers, and horn strobes were installed, and the Mechanical Contractor installed all the registers, grilles, and diffusers.

Within the maintenance bays, the General Trades Contractor completed the final painting which includes the paw print logo and associated striping on the west wall. The supplemental steel for the suspended hose reels was installed and the soffit along the top of the west wall was framed, boarded, and finished. The chain hoist for the east mezzanine was installed and the temporary heater was removed allowing for the installation of the last exterior door.

Also in the maintenance bays, the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors completed a large amount of work throughout the month of March. The Plumbing Contractor roughed in the fluid piping and started installing the hose reels. The Mechanical Contractor installed, and pressure-tested the hot water return and supply piping for the in-floor radiant heating system. The Electrical Contractor completed the installation of the ceiling-mounted light fixtures and devices. Up on the western mezzanine, The Mechanical Contractor completed the installation of the hot water return and supply piping throughout. The Mechanical Contractor also installed and poured the concrete inertia base for the air compressor. The Electrical Contractor completed a large amount of work; the equipment drives were mounted, and all of the conduit was roughed. The Electrical Contractor started pulling wire and will continue throughout April.

Communication with National Grid has been ongoing. It was originally stated that the transformer would be set mid-March however, that date has been pushed by National Grid until mid-April. The new utility poles have been set and all below grade conduit is complete. National Grid is still working on engineering the service for the electric vehicles.

Sanitary install on Route 15

Paw Print on west masonry wall

Toilet room accessories

February 2024

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project progressed smoothly throughout the month of February. The site remained stabilized for winter conditions however, the Site Contractor did remobilize and recommence some construction activities.

Throughout the month of February, the General Trades Contractor continued work within the office side of the Bus Garage. The finishing of the gypsum wallboard was completed throughout. The walls received primer and their first coat of paint. The toilet room floors and walls have been fully tiled and grouted within all three toilet rooms. The installation of ceiling grid commenced the last week of February and will be completed within early March.

The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors progressed alongside the General Trades Contractor. The sprinkler piping was completely installed, and pressure tested. The Mechanical Contractor installed the fin-tube radiation along the exterior walls and the Electrical Contractor pulled all of the low voltage data wiring. Finish work within the office area will continue in March.

Within the maintenance bays, the General Trades Contractor continued installing hollow metal doors and hardware throughout. The remainder of the overhead door operators were installed and will be wired up within early March. All the masonry walls have been block filled and received both coats of paint. The stairs to both the east and west mezzanines have been fabricated, delivered, and fully installed.

The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractors completed a large amount of work throughout the month of February. The Plumbing Contractor roughed in the domestic hot water piping and compressed air piping. The Mechanical Contractor began installing the vehicle exhaust reels, continued roughing in the exhaust duct drops along the exterior walls, and mounted the welding bench fume hood. The Electrical Contractor continued installing the ceiling mounted light fixtures, installed the brackets for the wall mounted lights in the wash bay and worked to pull wire for the branch circuiting.

Up on the western mezzanine, The Plumbing Contractor completed the installation of the domestic hot water heaters with the exception of the gas piping. The Mechanical Contractor began installing the hot water return and supply piping throughout. The Electrical Contractor will move up to the western mezzanine in early March.

Communication with National Grid has been ongoing. The invoice was issued by National Grid and paid for by Billitier. The work has been cleared to proceed and is expected to take place mid-March. National Grid is still working on engineering the service for the electric vehicles.

Fuel tank, stairs and catwalk fully installed

Fuel canopy & dispensers

West mezzanine – boilers and hot water heater

January 2024

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project progressed rapidly throughout the month of January with many large milestones reached. Outside, the site remained stabilized for winter conditions. Site work will recommence in the spring.

Throughout the month of January, the General Trades Contractor completed the installation of the remaining masonry walls. The gypsum wall board was delivered early January and was completely hung with-in the first half of January. Drywall finishing is currently ongoing and will be completed within the first half of February. Within the maintenance bays, the concrete floor was poured complete throughout three separate pours. The strength of the concrete was monitored by concrete cylinder breaks and by the end of January the floor able to handle the point load of a man lift. This opened up a large portion of work for the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing contractors. The painter mobilized onsite and began painting the exposed mechanical ductwork. ATL has continued performing their periodic masonry, concrete, and SWPPP inspections.

The Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing contractors stayed busy working in various areas throughout the building. The Electrical Contractor continued working on the installation of various panel boxes along with pulling wire from the panel to their termination location. Once the maintenance bay floor was poured the Electrical Contractor began the install of the overhead lighting. The Plumbing Contractor completed roughing-in the office side in early January and moved up to the western mezzanine to start the installation of the water heater. The Mechanical Contractor placed the air handling units up on the western mezzanine and began installing ductwork within the maintenance bays.

Communication with National Grid has been ongoing. They have been able to redesign the pole layout to allow the new pole to be placed on the property of a different homeowner. That homeowner has signed the easement release form and National Grid is working on finalizing the invoice to the District. National Grid is still working on engineering the service for the electric vehicles.

Flag pole installed

Training room drywall finishing

Maintenance bay second concrete pour

December 2023

Construction for the Livonia CSD 2024 Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project continued progressing smoothly inside throughout the month of December. Outside, the site was stabilized for winter conditions. Site work will recommence in the spring.

Throughout the month of December, the General Trades Contractor worked to completely secure and enclose the building, the installation of the overhead doors has been completed along with the installation of the storefront and single man doors. The last delivery of glazing for the windows arrived onsite as was installed.

Inside, the General Trades Contractor continued working on the masonry walls throughout, the remainder of the masonry will be completed in January. The metal stud walls are complete, once the plumbing rough-in is complete, the gypsum wall board will be hung, expected for early January. Within the maintenance bays, the insulation for the in-floor radiant heat was placed, the first of the floor pours is expected for the first half of January. ATL has continued performing their periodic masonry, concrete, and weekly SWPPP inspections, these inspections will now occur once a month due to winter shutdown.

Throughout the month of December, the MEP contractors stayed busy working in various areas throughout the building. The Electrical Contractor continued roughing-in the walls within the office area and began assembling various panels throughout the building. The Plumbing Contractor completed the installation of the trench drains within the maintenance bays and shifted to roughing-in the office side towards mid-December. The Mechanical Contractor accepted a delivery of air handling units which will be placed up on the western mezzanine once the maintenance bay floor is poured. Once the insulation in the maintenance bays was placed, the Mechanical Contractor began placing the PEX for the in-floor radiant heat. The PEX will be completed early January.

Communication with National Grid has been ongoing. They have been able to redesign the pole layout to allow the new pole to be placed on a property of a different homeowner. That homeowner has been contacted and has agreed to sign the easement release form. We are awaiting National Grid to finalize their design and send the easement release form over for signatures. National Grid is still working on engineering the service for the electric vehicles.

Office area wall blocking

Maintenance bay Pex layout and installation

Wash bay south overhead door installed