Phase II - Saunders' Sports Complex and Field House
December 2024
Work on the site continued progressing towards completion, the Site Contractor completed the installation of the perimeter fencing at both the softball field and the multipurpose field. The foundations for the entryway arch were poured with the steel expected to be erected early January. The drainage, concrete, and grading for the new throwing event area were all completed with final surface restoration expected for spring.

Site entry archway foundations
Paving top coat on north of site
November 2024
The installation of turf on both the softball field and multi-purpose field was completed in November. The Site Contractor worked on installing the remaining light poles bases and storm structures along with grading the site and completing the placement of asphalt. The custom paw print pavers were also installed within the newly graded plaza area.
Over at the Field House the exterior FRP doors were delivered, and a portion were installed. The two remaining for the new storage rooms will be installed within the first week in December. Boiler training has been scheduled for December 9th.

Multi Field turf complete
Softball field foul poles installed
Batting cage turf complete

Field house door install
Bleacher pour
Site plaza paver install
October 2024
The installation of turf on both the softball field and multi-purpose field progressed rapidly throughout October. The installer mobilized mid-October and completed the softball field and is nearly halfway complete with the multi-purpose field. The Site contractor worked to stay ahead of the turf installer by ensuring the required curb nailer and subbase material was completed prior to the installation. A portion of the asphalt walkway around the perimeter of the site was also completed.
Over at the Field House, the chase on the second floor to accommodate the new boiler flue was completed. The flooring in the lower level of the two stair towers was removed and replaced. The exterior FRP doors are expected onsite November 11th. The installation of the doors will complete the construction at the Gym Locker Facility.

Softball field top dressing
Softball field foul poles installed
Softball dugout pads poured

Multipurpose field turf install
Site plaza excavation
Field house chase boarded
September 2024
Starting the first week in September, the Site Contractor shifted focus back to the new turf fields. The storm collector piping and turf perimeter for the softball field was completed. The stabilization fabric was then rolled out, the flat drains were installed, and the stone blanket was placed. The turf perimeter for the multi-purpose field is ongoing and will continue into October. The turf installer is currently scheduled to mobilize October 10th.
Over at the Field House, start-up of the new boilers was completed the last week in September. A portion of the new tile was removed and replaced due to several deficiencies. The delivery of the new FRP doors is still pending so the temporary doors will remain in place.

Site curb nailer base outlined
Baseball field storm pipe install
Softball field curb nailer install

Stadium speakers & lights installed
Field House boiler room pipe insulation
Field House interior door install & paint
August 2024
The Site Contractor focused mostly on the parking lot for the majority of August.
Over at the Gym Locker Facility, work inside the new exterior toilet rooms was completed. The flue for the new boilers was installed up through the roof. Inside, both the ceramic floor tile and vinyl composite tile were completed. The building was cleaned and turned back over for use. The exterior doors aren't expected onsite for a while so temporary doors will be installed for the first home game on September 13th. The start-up of the new boilers is scheduled for mid-September.

Press box installed
Parking lot binder paved
Parking lot striped
July 2024
The Site Contractor shifted focus from the new turf fields to the parking lot for the majority of July. The Site Contractor completed the demolition and removed a fairly large quantity of unsuitable materials. The installation of storm piping and structures commenced and is mostly complete. The site was graded, and a portion of the new sidewalk was poured.
Over at the Gym Locker Facility, the installation of the new wall tile is complete. Inside the mechanical room, nearly all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is complete. The boiler flue materials purchased via change order arrived onsite late July. The steel for the new roof top unit was installed, inspected, and the new unit was placed with a crane the last week in July.

Multipurpose Field Scoreboard Install
Baseball and Softball Field Scoreboards Installed
Toilet Room Tiling Complete
June 2024
The Site Contractor continued to progress the project schedule throughout June. The Site Contractor installed a majority of the turf-nailer at the softball field. The bleacher and press-box footings and pads were poured, and the installation of the bleacher steel commenced. The Site Contractor also worked alongside the Electrical Contractor trenching for the new electrical conduit.
Over at the Gym Locker Facility, the installation of the new wall tile is underway with all tile work expected to be completed before the third week in July. Inside the mechanical room, the new pump pad has been poured and the new piping is being welded. The new catch basin within the boiler room was installed below the backflow preventor.

New stadium lights installed.
Tiling in Field House Womens Room
Bleacher footings poured for multipurpose field.

Multipurpose Field Drainage Pipe Install
Grandstand Bleacher Pad and Footings Poured
Multipurpose Field Grandstand Install
May 2024
The Site Contractor continued to progress the project schedule throughout May. The Site Contractor completed the cuts and fills with all fill being compacted in 12 lifts and monitored by Terracon. The new waterline and sanitary lines were both installed. The fencing for the softball field commenced and a portion of the associated turf-nailer was poured. Installation of the storm water piping commenced and will continue into June.
Over at the Gym Locker Facility, the in-wall plumbing and electric rough for the two new toilet rooms has been completed. Upon completion of the Electric and Plumbing rough, the General Trades Contractor installed the new structural steel and completed all masonry work. Inside the mechanical room, the new boilers have been set in place and the pad for the new expansion tank has been poured. Up on the second floor, the existing chase for the boiler flue has been removed in preparation for the install of a new flue.

Drainage piping around softball field.
Conduit install on NW corner of site.
Softball Field Stoned and Graded

Upper field fine grading.
Scoreboard Foundations Set & Poured
Support beams installed in Field House
April 2024
Despite some wet days the Site Contractor continued to progress the project schedule throughout April. The Site Contractor completed selective demolition which included the removal of the storm drainage pipe under the existing grass field. Cuts and fills are ongoing with all fill being compacted in 12" lifts and monitored by Terracon.
Over at the Gym Locker Facility, similarly to the Auditorium Toilet rooms, the demolition is mostly complete, and all the under-slab plumbing has been completed. Masonry will commence once the new steel beams and lintels arrive. Inside the mechanical room, much of the existing equipment has been removed and the new backflow preventer has been installed. Up on the second floor, the existing unit ventilators have been completely removed with exterior infills expected to be completed in May.

Field House demolition
Site work for new turf field.
Light Poles Removed from Site

Storm Line Pipe Demo
Water Line Install at New Field
Gas Line Installed
March 2024
The Site, General Trades, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Contractors all mobilized onsite towards the end of March. The Site Contractor installed the access road, erected the temporary fencing, and began stripping topsoil. Work both inside and outside will progress quickly throughout April.

Stripping and stockpiling of soil on the lower field
Gas Line for all three building relocated
Stripping of topsoil on the upper field.
Phase II - Middle/High School and Elementary School
December 2024
Inside the Middle/High School, construction continued advancing throughout the building. At the new main office/entrance, carpentry work such as metal framing, and the installation of gypsum board continued. Much of the gypsum wall board has been finished and received its first coat of paint with the installation of ceiling grid following. The fire shutters at the two transactions windows were installed with the transactions windows expected to arrive in January. In the social science wing, work in room's 224 and 226 continued; the installation of gypsum board was completed, the new windows were installed, and the new unit ventilators were placed and piped.
Over at the pool locker rooms and filter room, the demolition has been completed. The under-slab plumbing is currently ongoing and is expected to be completed by mid-January.
At the Elementary school, work in the pre-k wing continued progressing. The installation of the wall board was completed and work finishing the wall board will be ongoing until mid-January. Both floor and wall tile in three of the four new toilet rooms was completed with the fourth expected to be complete in January. The floors were prepped with both moisture mitigation and leveler allowing the new unit ventilators to be set and piped. Over the holiday break various main electrical panels in the boiler room and meter room were swapped and new wire was pulled.

Exterior sign frame and new window install
MHS new main vestibule wall boarding
Room 224 and 226 window install

Pool locker room demo
Pool filter equipment demo
MHS new main office fire shutters

ES UPK floor prep
ES UPK wall finishing
ES UPK toilet room tile install
November 2024
Up front at the new MHS main entry, under the canopy, the new concrete sidewalk section was poured in its entirety. Inside the High School, construction continued progressing efficiently throughout the building. Inside the Cafeteria toilet rooms, the toilet partitions were installed, along with the toilet accessories, and new doors. These toilet rooms were turned back over to the District towards the end of November. At the new main office/entrance carpentry work such as metal framing and installation of gypsum board continued. Over at the Auditorium lobby, the floor to ceiling staggered wall tile on the north wall was completed including a portion of tile outside the new main office. In the social science wing, the first two classrooms were completed and turned back over to the District. Work in the next two rooms commenced which included demolition, the placement of floor mitigation and leveling, and wall patching. Throughout various corridors the floors have been prepped for new rubber tile with the placement of the new tile taking place towards the end of November. Outside at the new canopy system, the metal framing was completed and the installation of sheathing commenced.
At the Elementary school, work in the pre-k wing ramped up. The new walls have been framed allowing the in-wall plumbing and electrical rough to be completed. The installation of wall board is expected to take place in the first week in December. Piping for the new ceiling hung ac units is ongoing but is close to being complete. A portion of the old AC units were removed and infilled with new metal panels.

HS canopy sheathing
Auditorium Lobby tiling complete
Room 222 Complete

Room 224/226 demo and floor work
HS floor install
Staff bathroom complete

ES PreK wing wall framing
ES PreK wing wall framing
October 2024
Inside the High School, construction continued progressing rapidly throughout the building. Inside the Cafeteria toilet rooms, the walls were boarded, floor and wall tile were completed, and the new plumbing fixtures were installed. The single user toilet rooms near the existing main office as well as the Auditorium toilet rooms were both turned back over to the District. At the new main office/entrance, the roof deck was removed to make way for the new clear story section. Carpentry work such as metal framing and installation of gypsum board inside the main office area continued. Wall tile outside at the Auditorium lobby commenced and will be ongoing into November. In the social science wing, the first two classrooms were completed with final cleaning expected for early November. These two rooms are on schedule to be turned over to the District November 7th. Throughout various corridors, the existing carpet has been removed and the floors are being prepped for new rubber tile.
Over at the Elementary school, tile in the toilet rooms was completed October 11th through the 14th. Work in the pre-k wing continued; the under-slab plumbing has been completed and concrete has been poured to infill the floor. The demolition and abatement work are complete with the exception of the added scope in the last four rooms in this wing. That demolition and abatement work will be completed within early November. Piping for the new ceiling hung ac units is ongoing and is expected to be completed by mid-November. Framing will start in early November and will allow work to progress more rapidly.

HS canopy framing
HS exterior wall boarding
HS New entry roof deck demo

Auditorium toilet rooms complete
HS aud. tiling started
HS Cafe carpet demo

HS Café women’s room tile complete
1st/2nd grade toilet room tile
September 2024
Inside the High School, even though summer construction came to an end and school opened back up for the 2025/2026 school year, construction continued progressing rapidly. Over in the English wing, the new white boards arrived the first week in September and were installed. The glazing for the door frames also arrived and was fully installed. There is very limited work remaining in those classrooms. Inside the Cafeteria toilet rooms, in-wall plumbing rough was completed and a portion of the walls have been boarded. Tile in the two single user toilet rooms by the existing main office was completed with those rooms scheduled to be turned over by the end of the first week of October. The canopy steel arrived and was fully erected. All structural steel was completed and has been inspected. The roofer is expected onsite the first week in October to complete all roofing over these two newly added structures. Work in the new main office continued progressing again, framing, mechanical rough, plumbing rough, and electrical rough all continued with some of the walls receiving the new gypsum wall board.
Over at the Elementary school, the rooms within the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms received their new white boards and window shades. A portion of the flooring punch-list was addressed. Tile in the toilet rooms will be completed October 11th through the 14th. Work in the pre-k wing continued with demolition and abatement. As of the last week of September, all GC demolition and abatement work in the pre-k wing was completed. Starting the first week in October, plumbing demolition will commence.

MHS new main entrance canopy install
MHS toilet room wall tile
MHS rooms 220/222 new window install and wall boarding

Marker and tack board install
ES UPK wall tile abatement
ES UPK interior wall demo
August 2024
Inside the High School, work progressed rapidly. Inside the classrooms located within the English hallway, painting was completed along with the installation of the new rubber floor tiles and associated rubber base. The new exterior windows were installed, and all associated trim work was completed. Both the metal casework and wood casework arrived mid-August. All casework has been installed with the only remaining work in these rooms being the installation of the whiteboards. Inside the Cafeteria toilet rooms, the walls were furred out to accommodate the new wall tile. In-wall plumbing rough started towards the end of August and will continue throughout mid-September. Installation of the auditorium lobby flooring was completed and at the new main entrance, steel for the new clear story was fully erected. The canopy steel is expected to take place early September.
Over at the Elementary school, the floors within the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms were completed. Similar to the High School, the metal casework and wood casework arrived mid-August and were both fully installed. The countertops were placed, and the new sinks were set and fully plumbed. Painting was completed and the interactive whiteboards were re-installed. The actual white boards are expected September 13th and the window shades were field measured the last week in August. Tile in the toilet rooms was completed up to about 6' to allow for the fixtures to be hung. The remaining tile will be completed once the orange tile which is backordered arrives. Currently, this tile is expected mid-October. At the main office, all work associated with the VRF system was completed. The ceiling in this space was lowered to accommodate the new mechanical units and the existing ceiling tiles were re-installed. This space was turned back over to the District the 3rd week in August.

HS roof clear story steel complete
HS flooring and base
HS doorways tiled

ES wood casework installed
ES Smartboards and flooring
ES Toilet Rooms
July 2024
Inside the High School, work progressed rapidly. All abatement for the work taking place this summer was completed. In the English hallway, all demolition was completed, and the exterior walls were packed out with new insulation, metal studs, and gypsum board. The existing walls were patched and prepped for paint which is expected to start in early July. Inside the Cafeteria toilet rooms, demolition was also completed along with all required under-slab plumbing. Due to some concerns with a third layer of tile going overtop of 2 existing layers these rooms progressed slower than expected. As of the last week of July, a final path forward has been decided with a revised sketch expected to be issued by Hunt. Installation of the auditorium lobby flooring commenced and is mostly complete. At the new main entrance, steel for the new clear story arrived onsite the last week of July with work installing this new steel expected to continue into August. Over at the Elementary school, work commenced with classroom demolition of the 3rd grade wing and adjacent toilet rooms. All mechanical and electrical disconnects have been completed within this wing. The acoustical ceiling tiles within the main office and corridor ceilings have been removed in preparation of the new hot water supply and return piping.
Over at the Elementary school, the classroom floors located within D-wing were prepped with moisture mitigation and leveled. The new unit ventilators were placed and piped with electrical/controls rough of these units commencing the last week in July. The new wing walls located next to the corridor walls were framed, roughed, and boarded. Painting commenced mid-July with a handful of classrooms receiving their first coat of paint. The toilet rooms in this wing were demolished in late June. The new walls were framed and boarded. All mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough for these rooms was completed. Tile work is expected to take place in early August. At the main office, all new ceiling hung VRF units were installed, piped, and ducted. Similar to the GLF building, the new roof top units were picked with a crane and placed July 31st.

MHS Roof Demo
Canopy Walls Poured and Forms Removed
MHS Classroom Wall Skim Coat and Drywall Install

ES Classroom Walls Painted
ES Classroom Wing Walls and Sink Pipe Installed
ES Toilet Rooms Drywalled
June 2024
Inside the High School, work ramped up towards the end of the month. The Auditorium carpeting was removed, and the area is being prepped for new rubber flooring. In the English hallway, the disconnection of electrical and mechanical equipment was completed, and the classrooms were tented off for abatement. The toilet rooms across from the Cafeteria were taken under abatement with demolition expected for early July.
Over at the Elementary school, work commenced with classroom demolition of the 3rd grade wing and adjacent toilet rooms. All mechanical and electrical disconnects have been completed within this wing. The acoustical ceiling tiles within the main office and corridor ceilings have been removed in preparation of the new hot water supply and return piping.

Roof Unit Removed at HS New Main Office
Door Frames Installed at HS New Main Office
Asbestos Removal Started in HS

ES Room Demo
ES Toilet Room Demo
HS Toilet Room Demo
May 2024
Work inside the building at the new main entrance/office continued throughout May. The General Trades Contractor removed the exterior precast wall system, the Electrical Contractor roughed-in conduit and boxes within the new metal stud walls, and the mechanical contractor worked on installing support hangers. The structural steel is in fabrication and is expected onsite in June. Within the Auditorium toilet rooms, the General Trades Contractor completed the masonry wall infills/openings, the metal stud framing, and the installation of the gypsum wall board. The Electrical and Plumbing Contractors completed all in-wall rough prior to the gypsum wall board being hung.

HS auditorium entrance demo.
Auditorium women's toilet room drywall.
Wall demo and shoring.

Concrete wall was removed for the new main entrance.
New toilet rooms roughed in.
New Main Office Wall Framing
April 2024
Work inside the building at the new main entrance/office continued throughout April. All trades have worked to complete much of the demolition. The Plumbing Contractor completed the under-slab plumbing for the new Auditorium toilet room and the General Trades Contractor has started framing the new walls. The General Trades Contractor also worked to complete the masonry wall infills at existing door openings. The Electrical Contractor followed behind the General Trades Contractor and roughed-in the electric within the new walls. The Electrical Contractor also spent many days relocating the existing wiring and conduit within the new clear story vestibule. Very little conduit and wiring remains to be relocated within the new vestibule.

New Main Office work at auditorium entrance.
Auditorium Toilet Room Under-Slab Plumbing
Rooms 314 and 316 Demo
March 2024
Work inside the building at the new main entrance/office started the last few days of March with the installation of the temporary walls, removal of ceiling, and install of pipe hangers for the re-routing of mechanical piping. Work both inside and outside will progress quickly throughout April.
March 2024
Phase two of the capital project is underway and will continue through early Fall 2025.
Revised Staging Area:
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the contractor staging area originally planned for the space along Bulldog Boulevard has been relocated to the softball field parking lot at the end of Branch Street and a portion of the Southeast corner of the High School parking lot. The softball parking lot at the end of Branch Street will be shared with the construction staging and the school athletic teams for the duration of the capital project. Additional parking for the softball field and pickleball court remains available around the Connell Building on Spring St. and School Street and at the Elementary School.
Middle/High School Auditorium Entrance:
This entrance near the auditorium will be closed beginning Monday, April 1, 2024 and continue until that portion of the project is completed. All staff and students should use the main entrance doors to enter the building during the school day. After school activities and after school visitors for events or continuing education may use the Middle School main entrance.
Interior Middle/High School Work:
Interior work will begin on March 29, 2024 and continue until that portion of the project is completed. During Spring recess, there will be a significant amount of demolition work with noise disruption to those who may be in the building.
Contact rcarll@livoniacsd.org if you have any questions.
Phase 2 starting March 18th, 2024
Phase two of the capital project will consist of several updates including classroom and bathroom renovations, a new Middle/High School main entrance, and a multi-purpose turf field and athletic complex.
The site contractor will begin establishing the staging area along Bulldog Boulevard and fencing off the construction perimeter for the turf project. Once the fencing is installed, they will begin some selective demolition. Therefore, the fields and sidewalk behind the field house will be closed until approximately December 2024.
Please use extra caution as you visit campus this Spring.
Some of our Spring sports teams will be relocated during the construction.
Please use caution when driving as our athletes may be walking to their relocated practice area.
Please use caution when driving or walking as there may be construction vehicles entering/exiting the construction service road to the North of Saunders Field (behind the football field scoreboard).
Students and athletes should use the sidewalk on Bulldog Boulevard to walk between the Middle/High School and the Elementary School.
The field house will be closed.
The concession stand will have limited, pre-approved use.
Contact rcarll@livoniacsd.org if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility as we continue this capital improvement project through Fall 2025.