As you may know, the district is undergoing a capital project consisting of many updates around campus. Phase one of the project has been underway for several months with the construction of a new transportation building on campus. Phase one is planned for completion during the Summer 2024.
Phase two of the capital project will consist of several updates including classroom and bathroom renovations, a new Middle/High School main entrance, and a multi-purpose turf field and athletic complex.
On Monday, March 18, 2024, the site contractor will begin establishing the staging area along Bulldog Boulevard and fencing off the construction perimeter for the turf project. Once the fencing is installed, they will begin some selective demolition. Therefore, the fields and sidewalk behind the field house will be closed until approximately December 2024.
Please use extra caution as you visit campus this Spring.
Some of our Spring sports teams will be relocated during the construction.
Please use caution when driving as our athletes may be walking to their relocated practice area.
Please use caution when driving or walking as there may be construction vehicles entering/exiting the construction service road to the North of Saunders Field (behind the football field scoreboard).
Students and athletes should use the sidewalk on Bulldog Boulevard to walk between the Middle/High School and the Elementary School.
The field house will be closed.
The concession stand will have limited, pre-approved use.
Visit for more project information. Contact if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility as we continue this capital improvement project through Fall 2025.