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COVID-19 Response – Family & Community Update (8/11/21)

Hope everyone is staying healthy, enjoying summer, and finding ways to stay cool! There's been a lot going on in Albany but unfortunately, nothing that is helpful for us in our planning as schools. As shared in the last update, I'm confident that (1) we will be open for 5 days/week learning in September, and (2) we are currently planning to follow the health requirements and protocols we had in place when we ended the year in June. We're safely moving forward and will continue to share information, provide opportunities for you to engage in our planning, and together find our way through this to open school safely in September.

Update Highlights

  • We're currently safely providing learning experiences for students in summer school! General health updates from CDC, NYSDOH, and LCDOH.
  • No Guidance from NYSDOH but NYSED will provide guidance...when???
  • We're working with local medical professionals and regional partners to clarify guidance, identify best practices, and define how we'll safely move forward to start the year
  • Please share your thoughts and questions about school opening this year - https://tejoin.com/scroll/369201542
  • We're continuing to shape out Capital Project 2024 - please take a closer look at the facility improvement areas and elements - share your feedback - https://tejoin.com/scroll/465058367
  • Spread the word - we're hiring for September - food service helpers & bus drivers needed!

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