On Friday students in Mrs. Bastian's room collected Thanksgiving donations from all the ES classrooms and helped sort the items.
Breakfast with Santa registration is now available! https://forms.gle/zvoo7gi2Q41Up9gi7
When: Saturday, December 16th, 2023, 9am-noon
Where: Livonia Middle/High School Cafeteria
Cost: $7 per ticket, household price $30
Each ticket includes breakfast, 2 arts and crafts, pictures with Santa, storytime, and more!
All proceeds will be donated to Livonia Student Council
Contact: hcotraccia@livoniacsd.org with questions
The Varsity Club is hosting an open gym on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd for students in grades K-5. Questions can be emailed to rpotts@livoniacsd.org
🦃📖Mrs. Spuhler's class went to visit their buddies in Miss Leon's class yesterday to celebrate Thanksgiving. They read "The Best Thanksgiving Ever" and made a turkey centerpiece for the first graders to take home.
Friday's ES Morning Show is now available: https://youtu.be/NUgSeNunPwc.
The Coyle/Litteer class put together "Mr. Bones" to learn about the human body in science class.
Miss English's class got to check out the stage after the performance!
There was a lot of excitement this morning in the MHS for The Spongebob Musical!
More photos of classes at the Maple Experience yesterday. Some 5th-grade classes added a tour of the campus woods with Mr. Sheldon and his HS students to see our sugarbush and mock sap collection process! Did you know Mr. Sheldon and his students made maple syrup on campus last spring and look forward to doing it again?
Thursday's ES Morning Show is now available: https://youtu.be/rBmQpV-7uXQ.
We interrupt today's FB broadcast with a special Spongebob edition of the ES Morning Show! You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/sv6QxeF8bi4
Wednesday's ES Morning Show is now available at https://youtu.be/7iHqxw0yqWU
🍁Our students give the "The Maple Experience" a thumbs up! The 24-foot mobile interactive, educational exhibit will be here through Wednesday to give many of our students an opportunity to visit, learn, and even sample maple syrup! This educational outreach program was developed through a New York State legislative grant and is sponsored and managed as a special initiative of the New York State Maple Producers Association. Students in grade levels from K-12 will be participating!
The 2023 Fall Focus is now available: https://5il.co/28z2u. This issue of the Focus is in digital format unless you request a printed copy. This edition highlights the capital project, homecoming, the Spongebob Musical, new staff, student services, and the strategic plan. If you would like a printed copy please fill out the request form before November 17th. Printed version request form: https://forms.gle/VQiU3y6hxaBaWMFA6.
The ES Morning Show is now available https://youtu.be/O_VkiYWCpEs.
Captain: Are you ready Livonia?
Livonia: Aye Aye Captain.
Captain: I can't hear you.
Livonia: Aye Aye Captain
Captain: OHHHHHHH Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Livonia: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Captain: Get your tickets for The SpongeBob Musical today!
November 17th and 18th at 7 PM! You don't want to miss it!
Reminder: ES Picture retake day is Wednesday.
Find answers to Retake Day questions at https://interstatesupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360005140254-Retakes
Monday's ES Morning Show is now available on YouTube https://youtu.be/sn8xP9B_DWQ
As part of Veterans Day, Mrs. Jones’ class had the chance to interview one of our student’s dads serving in Syria. They learned all about different aircraft, fueling aircraft, how the military spend their days, where they sleep, and even saw their living spaces! Special thank you to SSG Harris and his family!
November Calendar Reminders
No school tomorrow Nov. 10th in honor of Veterans Day
No school ES ONLY Nov. 20 & 21 for Parent Teacher Conference Days
No school Nov. 22-Nov. 24 for Thanksgiving Recess