🍲 We are hiring a Food Service Helper. Are you interested in a part-time job while your kids are at school? Are you retired but want to get out of your house? Apply today! Non-Instructional Application: https://5il.co/ubt1 or pick one up at the Connell Bldg
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
food service ad
🗓️ The 21-22 calendar is at the printers and will be mailed out to families next week! Here is the online version if you want a sneak peek https://5il.co/wzdd
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
calendar front
ES teacher letters and supply lists were mailed yesterday! Watch your mailboxes! #WhoDidYouGet?
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
check your mailbox
We are loving our new app! Access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3kmpAQw or iPhone: https://apple.co/3eyoU71.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
FB image
We’re thrilled to announce Livonia Central School District’s new app! https://youtu.be/4XV_ulk7iVA It’s everything Livonia CSD, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3kmpAQw or iPhone: https://apple.co/3eyoU71.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
app image
Reminder to our rising 6th grade families make sure to like and follow our MHS social media channels for information on grades 6-12. https://www.facebook.com/LivoniaMSHS https://twitter.com/LivoniaMSHS https://www.instagram.com/livonia_middle_high_school/ https://www.youtube.com/user/LivoniaHS
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
Stay connected
🚌 We're hiring bus drivers! Are you interested? Give Bob Orman a call 346-4010, and come to our drive a bus event on Saturday, August 14th and give it a try! 📣 Excellent benefits package 🌞10-month position with school breaks off ⏰ 5.5 hours/day Great opportunity for a retiree looking for something to do and stay connected with the community.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
bus driver ad
❗ We're hiring! We are looking for Teacher Assistants and Aides (Paraprofessionals). You can find out more and apply here: https://livonia.recruitfront.com/Default. Look under Job Opportunities. Application due by July 30th. 📣 Excellent benefits package including family health insurance, paid sick and personal days. 🌞10-month position with all school breaks off
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
hiring TA and Aides graphic
The Summer edition of the Focus is now available online: https://5il.co/verj
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
Focus cover
🏊 Livonia Continuing Education will be offering one summer session of Swim Lessons from July 26th-August 6th. NEW: Online only registration and payment ✏️ Registration link - https://forms.gle/TedA8RMTUWnfzui98 💰 Payment link - https://www.govpaynow.com/gps/user/cyg/plc/a001yg Registration deadline is July 16th, class size limited to 15 people/time slot. ❓about registration or payment please call 346-4000 x4006 or email cshaw@livoniacsd.org Your registration will be complete once your payment and registration have been received.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
swimming pool
Final report cards are now available on SchoolTool Parent Portal: https://st.edutech.org/livonia/. The site will be down tomorrow, July 7, from 9-11am for maintenance. When you look at grades make sure school year 2020-2021 is selected (the site now defaults to 21-22). If you are having problems you can find directions here: https://www.livoniacsd.org/reportcards. Reminder this site works best from a desktop, laptop or chromebook.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
blue and orange graphic with Livonia paw announcing report cards are available
🎓 It was exciting afternoon and evening for the Class of 2033 at Kindergarten Graduation yesterday. #OffToFirstGrade
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
kindergarten students with hand in air
kindergarten students dressed up for graduation
kindergarten students in sunglasses
kindergarten students performing a song pretending to play a flute
💧🌊💦Have you all dried out yet?
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
teachers with squirt guns and hoses
mom and kids in back of truck with super soakers
mom and kids in back of truck with super soakers
a van with the hatchback open and kids inside getting sprayed with water
🎓 It's Kindergarten Graduation day! You learned, you laughed, you worked, you played and now you're ready for 1st grade! Happy Graduation Kinders! #Classof2033
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
kindergarten graduation invitation