We had a great Jersey/Character Day yesterday!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
jersey day
character day
Character Day
Jersey Day
Thursday's Morning Show is now available: https://youtu.be/f7NqhZggVEs. Today's PSA is about indoor/outdoor voices! Enjoy your day, Bulldogs!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
morning show
Reminder: Tomorrow is Throwback Thursday! Throw it back as far as you want from pioneer days to the 80s. We can't wait to see what you come up with.
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
throwback Thursday
Wednesday's ES Morning Show is now available: https://youtu.be/2SCvOXGmyb0. Today's PSA is how to wear a mask! Great job everyone!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
ES Morning Show
Fancy or Flannel Day!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
students dressed up in flannel for spirit week
students in fancy clothes
one fancy and one flanned sliding down hill
students in fancy clothes
Reminder: Tomorrow is Jersey/Character Day
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
spirit week reminder
The ES Morning Show is now available https://youtu.be/H2T-kMqISSo. Today's announcements include a PSA on using playground equipment safely! Great job everyone!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
ES logo
🩺⚾👩‍🍳🎖️The ES had fun with Career Day today!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
students dressed for career day!
students dressed for career day!
students dressed for career day!
students dressed for career day!
Today's ES Morning Show is now available: https://youtu.be/gilD41zNiFM. Tune in every day for all the news!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
ES Morning Show
🍎 October menus are now available in the district document section of the website and app. Lunch - https://5il.co/zkcs Breakfast - https://5il.co/zkcr
about 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
oct lunch menu
Our K-3 students have been learning about bus safety with Mr. Orman, Head Bus Driver, and Buster the remote control bus!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
students practicing emergency exit off back of bus
students learning bus safety
students on bus
students standing around a remote control bus
The ES Morning Show is now available https://youtu.be/JBBFQldFAmM. Reminder: The 9-12 graders are decorating halls this weekend and the public is invited to come and see them tomorrow from 12-1 PM. Stop on by! Have a great weekend Bulldogs!
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
🐾 Homecoming 2021 Plans subject to change due to COVID and/or weather. 📣Parade Saturday, Oct. 2 at 1:30 PM Starting at the Village Offices, down Commercial St., end at Library. If you have a local group who wants to participate please email hcotraccia@livoniacsd.org 🏃 Athletics Friday, Oct. 1st Girls JV and V soccer at 4 PM JV and V volleyball at 5:30 PM & 7:15 PM Saturday, Oct. 2nd V Football and Homecoming Court at 3 PM Boys V soccer at 6:30 PM
about 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
parade graphic
Thursday morning announcements are now available: https://youtu.be/XQ2G8mbFtXU
about 3 years ago, Elementary School
ES announcements
It's the premier for the 21-22 ES Morning Show! Our first 5th grade class to bring you the morning announcements is Mrs. Petelin's room. You can find the announcements daily on YouTube, FB, Twitter, the website, and the App. https://youtu.be/jtwtXn4s80s
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
ES Morning Show
💗 Tomorrow we invite you to join us, wear pink, and Take A Stand against negativity. We still have the same opportunity for happiness we always have. We just might need to look in different places to find it. #TakeAStand #WearPink #BePositive #OnWednesdayWeWearPink
over 3 years ago, Middle/High School
be positive
🐾🧡💙 Elementary School Spirit Week September 27-October 1! We hope you will join in the fun!
over 3 years ago, Elementary School
Spirit week flyer
🌳Reminder - National Grid will be on campus this morning to remove dead ash trees from the right-of-way that runs across district property. The ES playground and Connell Bldg fields will be closed to all classes & the community from 8 AM until the work has been completed.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
tree removal image
🌳 On Monday, Sept 20, 2021, National Grid will be on campus to remove dead ash trees from the right-of-way that runs across district property. The ES playground and Connell Bldg fields will be closed to all classes & the community from 8 AM until the work has been completed.
over 3 years ago, Amy Evans
tree removal image
Picture day is coming! Order online at https://inter-state.com/order (new photo company this year!). 📷 MHS code 60275M 📷 ES Code 61003N Flyers available in the main office if you don't want to order online.
over 3 years ago, Livonia CSD
picture day graphic