January's breakfast and lunch menus are now available
Breakfast: https://5il.co/13i5u
Lunch: https://5il.co/13i5v
MHS Morning Announcements are now available https://youtu.be/krLIsfus30k
A bonus song from the Senior High Chorus "Take Me Home" https://youtu.be/La4jXQN8UM4
Tomorrow is our last concert of 2021. The MHS Jazz Bands and Livonia Live will be performing tomorrow evening. Concerts this holiday season have staggered starts. Please wait and enter the auditorium once the previous group has finished and parents have had time to leave. Masks are required in our school buildings.
7:00 7/8 Jazz Band
7:20 Jazz Lab
7:40 Livonia Live
8:00 Jazz Ensemble
The 2021-22 Instructional Calendar was revised at last night's Board of Education Meeting. Please update your calendars. You can find the revised version here: https://5il.co/xe56
➡️Teacher Planning Day (No School for PK-12 Students) scheduled for January 28, has moved to January 31
➡️Superintendent's Conference Day (No School for PK-12 Students) scheduled for March 21, has moved to April 4
Make sure to check out today's MHS stories on FB or Instagram for our first student takeover courtesy National Honor Society's Rent an Elf day!
Monday's MHS Announcements with Mr. Gammon are now available https://youtu.be/00o9VwsueWI.
Spirit Week starts on Monday! Don't forget to dress as your favorite character!
All Shook Up audition's are Tuesday, December 21st. You can find rehearsal tracks here: https://sites.google.com/livoniacsd.org/hs-musical/home. See Mrs. Whittel for music and audition packets.
If you missed last night's Holiday Chorus Concert or want a encore performance you can find all the videos on YouTube.
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel - https://youtu.be/aYHNGq1OW-o
Candles in the Window - https://youtu.be/X6i2KJAdpdU
Rhythm of Life - https://youtu.be/etyogwL4JM4
What Christmas Means to Me - https://youtu.be/VWZks2ayCX8
The Coventry Carol - https://youtu.be/xIjhD2AjzoM
She Use To Be Mine - https://youtu.be/ww06eZQcMHg
Sing Me to Sleep - https://youtu.be/BnZKErj4dLk
Jingle Bells - https://youtu.be/6fFMKsxfAZM
Senior High Chorus
Carol of the Bells - https://youtu.be/EEER71aHGlo
Sweetest Music, Softly Singing - https://youtu.be/Sc2YGbDRu5g
Hail Holy Queen - https://youtu.be/_R6QQd2IDYM
Hallelujah Chorus - https://youtu.be/KeB2hqcCE9k
The Middle School math team had their first night of competition yesterday. This is a young team, comprised entirely of 6th and 7th graders, facing 7th and 8th graders from the competing districts. Despite their youth, they still finished in 3rd place for the night! What a great start! Top scorers for the night were Hannah White (13 points), Chayse Barrett (11 points), and Leah Whittel (10 points).
MHS Marking period 2 report cards are now available on SchoolTool https://st.edutech.org/livonia/
Rise and shine Friday's announcements are now available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ui9CUYbOTDE
New season, same results. The Academic Challenge Bowl team won their fall season just a few weeks ago, and they kicked off the second season tonight by winning both matches at Greece Arcadia. They defeated RH Burger 170-100 in the first contest of the night. In the second match, Livonia gave up the first question (10 points) before taking control with a 235-30 victory. We also added a few new faces, so it looks like the word on the street is that ACB is the place to be! Top scorers for the night were Matthew Parry (60 points), Ellie DeBolt (55 points), and Owen Austin and Miranda Bailey (20 points each). Livonia hosts the next meet on 1/19. Scores, schedules, and stats can be found at http://www.nymasterminds.com/acb/21-22ACBR4.html
If you missed last night's 6th Grade Chorus Concert or want to watch an encore performance you can find all their songs on YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKjEhHR34B5poBkkzgKtb1opM1nmBidDK
The 7/8, Treble, and Sr. High Chorus Concerts are this evening. Concerts this holiday season have staggered starts. Please wait and enter the auditorium once the previous group has finished and those parents have had time to leave. Masks are required in our school buildings.
Prepare to be Shook this Spring! The HS musical was revealed after school today. https://youtu.be/TRrkl6iC6o0
The 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Chorus Concert is this evening. The 6th Grade Chorus will be performing at 8PM.
8th graders in ELA 8 with Mrs. Neitz are working on visual aid projects that will accompany their upcoming book talks. The students have read independent reading books based on World War II and the Holocaust and they will begin presenting book talks this Friday.
After studying earthquakes in Science 8, students designed and constructed towers to try and withstand the quake shake table!