🌸🎶 Tonight is the 9-12 Spring Band Concert. This concert features both the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. We hope you join us!
9 months ago, Middle/High School
spring concert
🌸🎶 Spring concerts start tonight! Kicking it off will be the 7/8 Band at 7 PM in the MHS Auditorium. This concert also features three 7/8th grade ensemble pieces. We hope you join us.
9 months ago, Middle/High School
concert graphic
flute ensemble
drum ensemble
trumpet ensemble
low brass
Reminder:🍁🥞Sweet science! Tonight at 6:30 Mr. Sheldon's Environmental students will present at Vitale Park at the Watershed Education Center. You can register to attend here: https://woa.wufoo.com/forms/event-registration-form/
9 months ago, Middle/High School
sweet science
💗 Tomorrow, April 17th, we invite you to join us, wear pink, and Take A Stand to respect the environment. #TakeAStand #WearPink
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
take a stand april
Congrats to Mrs. Orman on being honored by our students for this week's staff shout-out! Thank you for all you do!
9 months ago, Middle/High School
Mrs. Orman
Today's Monday Morning Message with Mr. Gammon is about doing your best work https://youtu.be/obLql798yls. We are also celebrating our 4th marking period Honor Roll students. Congratulations!
9 months ago, Middle/High School
Mr. Gammon
4th marking period honor roll
4th marking period honor roll
4th marking period honor roll
4th marking period honor roll
4th marking period honor roll
4th marking period honor roll
🎶 Looking ahead to Spring Concerts! All concerts start at 7 PM in the MHS Auditorium except for the 3rd Grade Chorus and 4 & 5 Band and Chorus Concert on May 21st, which begins at 6 PM.
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
spring concerts
😎 Summer Enrichment Camp information is now available! 👀 Check out camp offerings here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF_ZDsM3FA/AwReqN8fQZ8cTOm5GXJ6kw/view?utm_content=DAF_ZDsM3FA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor ✍️ Registration opens on Monday, April 15th. You can find the registration form here: https://bit.ly/LivoniaSummerEnrichment2024. These enrichment opportunities have been designed to promote curiosity, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Camps are open to Livonia Central School students who are currently in grades PK-8. Camps run Monday-Thursday (either for one week or two consecutive weeks) from July 15th until August 15th. They are offered either 9:00-11:30 OR 12:00-2:30. Transportation is the responsibility of the family. Each session is limited due to safety and space. If the session fills up, your child can be placed on a waiting list. Please only register for camps that your child is able to attend. Questions? Contact Erin Weingaertner, Director of Professional Learning and Instructional Technology at eweingaertner@livoniacsd.org or 346-4000 X1116 or Nicole McGarry, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Pupil Personnel Services at nmcgarry@livoniacsd.org or 346-4000 X4201
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
summer camp
🌒✨ Reminder 🌒✨ The Auditorium entrance of the Middle/High School is closed. All staff and students should use the main entrance doors to enter the building during the school day.
9 months ago, Middle/High School
entrance closed
🌒✨ Welcome back! 🌒✨ We hope you had a fantastic spring break filled with relaxation and rejuvenation. Tomorrow, April 9th, will be a C day in the MHS.
9 months ago, Middle/High School
C day
🍁🥞Sweet science! On Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 Mr. Sheldon's Environmental students will present their environmental studies at Vitale Park at the Watershed Education Center. You can register to attend here: https://woa.wufoo.com/forms/event-registration-form/
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
science presentation
The Auditorium entrance of the Middle/High School will be closed beginning Monday, April 1, 2024, and continue until that portion of the Capital Project is completed. All staff and students should use the main entrance doors to enter the building during the school day. After-school activities and after-school visitors for events or continuing education may use the Middle School's main entrance.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
aud entrance closed
On Tuesday, the Academic Challenge Bowl team traveled to HFL to kick off the second season of the year. In the first match, HFL defeated Livonia 230-85. The Bulldogs fell to Martha Brown 225-95 to close out the afternoon. Despite the back-to-back losses, spirits were high. Much pizza and soda was consumed! High scorers were Peyton B and Nolan C (30 points each) and Claire P (10 points). The next night of competition is April 9 at Livonia, assuming that civilization does not crumble after the eclipse. Get scores, stats, and schedules at http://www.nymasterminds.com/acb/23-24ACBR8.html
10 months ago, Middle/High School
students at desk for trivia competi
students at desk for trivia competition
students at desk for trivia competi
students at desk for trivia competi
We continue to celebrate YAM (Youth Art Month) with a virtual exhibit hosted by NYSATA ( New York State Art Teachers Association). Congratulations to the following Livonia MHS Artists who were chosen by their Art Teachers to represent Livonia: Aurora Ferguson, Gabrielle Furlow, Autumn Houseman, Eva Millen, Claire Paul, Liddya Rowe, Harper Sykes, Vivienne Tanksley.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
student art work
student art work
student art work
student art work
student art work
student art work
student art work
student art work
Congratulations to Mr. Welch for being nominated by our students for this week's staff shout-out! Thank you Mr. Welch for the impact you have on our students.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
mr welch
SUNY is hosting a special FAFSA Event at MCC's downtown campus on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. 🎓All students and parent(s)/contributor(s) are welcome to attend. ➡️ This event is open to anyone, regardless of their college plans. 💰Financial Aid experts from multiple colleges will be on hand to assist in completing the FAFSA. If you have questions please contact the admissions team at Monroe Community College 292-2200 or admissions@monroecc.edu.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
fafsa event
Junior/Senior Prom 2024 is May 11th from 6:30-10:30. Tickets will be on sale after break April 9-12 during bulldog time outside the cafeteria. This year's theme is Spring Garden.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
Prom 2024
The Class of 2024 had a great time at their lock-in on Saturday. The seniors bonded over volleyball, basketball, board games, Just Dance, and an exciting scavenger hunt!
10 months ago, Middle/High School
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
students at lock-in
Faulkenberry, Finster, and Wolgast Classes enjoyed bowling this morning!
10 months ago, Middle/High School
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
student bowling
Livonia had over 25 students from grades 8-12 attend the GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare event on Friday. Through immersive, hands-on activities, they connected with leading healthcare businesses, organizations, and education providers. It was a day of discovery, exploring in-demand careers in healthcare and science within our region—some photos are courtesy GV BOCES.
10 months ago, Middle/High School
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event
students at event